The Connected Canine Blog

The Connected Canine Blog is a collection of articles written about behaviour, wellness, nutrition, routine, games and so much more. If you love dogs, you're in the right place! Dive in. Enjoy. Comment. And share if you found it valuable. Have a topic that you're interested in and can't find it here? Contact Me to submit your request today!  

Reaching the Canine Learning Brain with the 3Cs

I’m often asked what to do when a dog shows reactive or aggressive behaviour and how a guardian can ...

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Understanding Your Dog's Language: Calming Signals

Have you heard of "calming signals" in dogs? This is such an important topic for anyone who shares t...

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Hug a Scared Dog Today!

Hug a scared dog today!  You might be thinking, "wait, what?" I know that this might not be what you...

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