
Potty Training the Partnership Way!

There's no doubt that a puppy brings a lot of joy and precious moments to their new family, but like infants and toddlers, they also require an extraordinary amount of time, energy and planning. Potty training can be a source of incredible stress for families, especially when things are not going well. 

Some puppies are potty trained quite quickly, and some take several weeks or months of consistent training to fully understand that relieving themselves happens outside. But one thing is for sure, potty training is a big task and it takes consistency, commitment, patience, time and practice to get it right. 

How successful potty training is, will be determined by how committed you are to the four key elements of success and the easy potty training protocol found in my No Punishment Potty Training Guide. 

If you take a more relaxed approach to the potty training protocol, you'll likely run into troubles later. I've seen many families struggle when they relaxed their management and prevention too soon. Their puppy will happily go potty outside but they don't have an understanding that going potty indoors is off limits. 

Punishing potty training doesn't lead to an understanding either. When you punish your puppy for going potty in the house you are only teaching them that it's not safe to go potty in front of you and that you can't be trusted. Likely they'll still continue to go potty in the house, but they'll hide from you when they do it leaving hidden messes all over your home. 

Not sure where to start? Well I have good news puppies parents! 

I have a practical plan to help you potty train your puppy in a few easy steps. Do keep in mind that although there are only a few steps involved, it still takes an unwavering commitment and time to be effective. 

Here are the 4 key elements of my plan:

  • Prevention of Accidents
  • Consistency & Timing
  • Rewarding Success
  • Repetition & Practice

The four key elements are all required to create the good potty habits that you expect from your dog. This will not happen overnight, but your puppy won't be a puppy forever. With practice and time, it will happen. 

I put together a practical guide that gives you a no-punishment, fool-proof formula and easy potty training protocol so you can get it right the first time. 

Comments (1)


Debbie Holden

Feb 10, 2022 12:53 AM PDT

Hi I just need some advice on potty training for my 4 month old Border puppy.

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